Offload your clutter for free at Eastown's contact-free Dumpster Day - May 22 from 8am-12pm, or until dumpsters are full, at the Eastown Ethel parking lot situated at Wealthy/Ethel. Entrance on Ethel from the South only.
We provide the dumpsters, you bring the junk. Drive up and drop off. Must haul your own refuse into dumpster. Masks and social distancing required. Must show proof of Eastown residency. $5 suggested donation.
No yard waste is allowed (no sod, broken concrete, wood or asphalt).
No hazardous materials will be accepted (tires, oil, gas, paint, hot ashes, or acid).
Major appliances: refrigerators, stoves, dishwashers, washers, dryers, water heaters, air conditioners, and dehumidifiers must be prepared for disposal (freon free).
Cardboard boxes must be broken down prior to arrival.
Thank you to Family Fare for supporting this event!