Neighborhood events.

50th Annual Eastown Streetfair
The Eastown Community Association is excited to host the 50th Annual Eastown Streetfair on Saturday, September 16, 2023 from 9am to 9pm (Beer tent open until 10pm)
This outdoor festival will take place along Wealthy Street between Giddings Avenue and Lake Drive and includes the first block of Ethel Avenue and the Wealthy St. Hub Lot. This annual event is a family-friendly celebration of arts, crafts, food, music, and the Eastown neighborhood; one of Grand Rapids’ most eclectic districts!
Please note we are asking that people do NOT bring pets to the Eastown Streetfair. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Vendor applications and FAQ will be released at a later date.

If you have any thoughts on what info we should be sharing with the neighborhood and how we make sure you can find it, these meetings are the place to tell us! During these meetings we discuss what resources are available on our website, what’s included on the Eastown calendar, what gets shared via social media and the Eastown Access newsletter, and more. The ECA is committed to giving you the information you’re looking for and we want to hear from you!

Jordan and the ECA Bricks & Mortar Committee invite you to our monthly meeting! These meetings are open to the public and occur on the second Thursday of each month at 6pm at the ECA office at 415 Ethel. If you have any questions or thoughts on how new projects will affect our neighborhood, these meetings are for you! During these meetings we discuss new Eastown developments, road construction, updates to our ECA building, and more. If you are interested in public planning or urban development in our neighborhood, these meetings are the place to start getting involved!

Meaghan and the ECA Communications Committee invite you to our monthly meeting! These meetings are open to the public and occur on the last Monday of each month from 6-7pm at the ECA office at 415 Ethel. If you have any thoughts on what info we should be sharing with the neighborhood and how we make sure you can find it, these meetings are the place to tell us! During these meetings we discuss what resources are available on our website, what’s included on the Eastown calendar, what gets shared via social media and the Eastown Access newsletter, and more. The ECA is committed to giving you the information you’re looking for and we want to hear from you! Additionally, if you are a neighborhood artist, photographer, or graphic designer, these meetings are the place to start getting involved!
If you can’t make it in person, feel free to join via Zoom!
Meeting ID: 838 2805 8914

Gavin and the ECA Garden & Environment Committee invite you to our monthly meeting! These meetings are open to the public and occur on the third Monday of each month at 6:00pm in the garden behind the ECA office at 415 Ethel. If you want to be involved with our community garden or to help your neighbors become better stewards of the earth, come join us! During these meetings we will maintain the garden, discuss conservation and energy use, and more. If you want to meet your neighbors and get your hands dirty, these meetings are the place to start getting involved!

Jordan and the ECA Bricks & Mortar Committee invite you to our monthly meeting! These meetings are open to the public and occur on the second Thursday of each month at 6pm at the ECA office at 415 Ethel. If you have any questions or thoughts on how new projects will affect our neighborhood, these meetings are for you! During these meetings we discuss new Eastown developments, road construction, updates to our ECA building, and more. If you are interested in public planning or urban development in our neighborhood, these meetings are the place to start getting involved!

ECA Monthly Communications Meeting
Meaghan and the ECA Communications Committee invite you to our monthly meeting! These meetings are open to the public and occur on the last Monday of each month from 6-7pm at the ECA office at 415 Ethel. If you have any thoughts on what info we should be sharing with the neighborhood and how we make sure you can find it, these meetings are the place to tell us! During these meetings we discuss what resources are available on our website, what’s included on the Eastown calendar, what gets shared via social media and the Eastown Access newsletter, and more. The ECA is committed to giving you the information you’re looking for and we want to hear from you! Additionally, if you are a neighborhood artist, photographer, or graphic designer, these meetings are the place to start getting involved!
If you can’t make it in person, feel free to join via Zoom!
Meeting ID: 838 2805 8914

ECA Monthly Garden & Environment Meeting
Gavin and the ECA Garden & Environment Committee invite you to our monthly meeting! These meetings are open to the public and occur on the third Monday of each month at 6:00pm in the garden behind the ECA office at 415 Ethel. If you want to be involved with our community garden or to help your neighbors become better stewards of the earth, come join us! During these meetings we will maintain the garden, discuss conservation and energy use, and more. If you want to meet your neighbors and get your hands dirty, these meetings are the place to start getting involved!

ECA Monthly Board Meeting
The Eastown Community Association Board of Directors invites you to our monthly meeting! These meetings are open to the public and occur on the second Monday of each month from 6-7pm at the ECA office at 415 Ethel. If you are looking for a way to get involved with your Eastown community, this is the place to start! During these meetings we discuss our neighborhood in the context of where it is now and where we could take it in the future. We also share updates from each of our committees on upcoming events, new developments, new businesses, the Eastown Access newsletter, and more!
If you can’t make it in person, feel free to join via Zoom!
Meeting ID: 838 2805 8914

ECA Quarterly Bricks & Mortar Meeting
Jordan and the ECA Bricks & Mortar Committee invite you to our monthly meeting! These meetings are open to the public and occur on the first Wednesday of each month from 5-6pm at the ECA office at 415 Ethel. If you have any questions or thoughts on how new projects will affect our neighborhood, these meetings are for you! During these meetings we discuss new Eastown developments, road construction, updates to our ECA building, and more. If you are interested in public planning or urban development in our neighborhood, these meetings are the place to start getting involved!